
To Write Love on Her Arms/Move For It 5k

  • When: Saturday, April 19, 2025,  8:00 am
  • Location: 1089 S Patrick Dr. Satellite Beach, FL
  • Cost: $25-$35

Move with the To Write Love on Her Arms on April 19th. When you sign up for the 5K fundraising event in Melbourne, FL, you’ll get access to a resource hub full of introductory tools to build your mental health resilience and ways you can take action for your mental health. Every participant will receive an event shirt, bib, and medal. Following the race, every participant can participate in on-site wellness training and take-home skills that reduce stress and anxiety and build mental health resiliency.
This event raises mission-critical funds for To Write Love on Her Arms and helps us continue to connect millions of people to mental health support each year. Together, we can inspire change—for our communities, for our loved ones, and for ourselves. If it’s your first 5K or your thousandth, we believe it’s the small steps we take that create the momentum toward healing and recovery.

  • Website:
  • Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Category: Races, Walks, 5ks


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