Brevard Health Alliance, Inc. is Brevard County's only Federally Qualified Health Center. BHA provides extensive primary health care services to Brevard County residents regardless of their ability to pay. Brevard Health Alliance is proud to be recognized as a medical and dental home where exceptional patient care is our number-one goal. We provide quality services that are accessible, patient-centered, continuous, and comprehensive including Family and Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Behavioral Health, Onsite Pharmacy, Pediatric Walk-In Care, Women's Health & OB/GYN and HIV & HepC Care at 8 locations throughout the County. You are invited to choose a primary care provider from our highly-qualified staff who will lead a medical team to work with you on common goals to improve your health. We also provide COVID-19 Testing for adults and children. Welcome to your medical home!
There are many locations around the county. Check the website for locations and addresses.