Embark on a magical journey with Parkhurst Academy as we bring to life the enchanting tale of Disney's Beauty and the Beast! The captivating realm of Broadway's beloved classic, Disney's Beauty and the Beast, is a global phenomenon embraced by audiences across 37 countries. Inspired by the Academy Award-winning animated masterpiece, this stage adaptation features the timeless melodies crafted by Alan Menken and the late Howard Ashman, alongside new compositions by Menken and Tim Rice.
Be ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting narrative of Belle, a spirited young woman in a quaint village, and the Beast, a prince ensnared in a spell by an enchantress. As the tale unfolds, the Beast must discover the power of love to break the curse looming over him and his enchanted household. With time dwindling, the stakes are high, and the fate of all hangs in the balance.